
Last updated: 2020-02-28

The list table command is used to list information about one or more tables that Bucardo knows about. It can also be called as list tables.


bucardo list tables

Shows a list of all tables, one per line, in alphabetical order. Also shows which database and syncs they belong to. The number at the start of the line is the internal ID for the table, and is primarily used to feed to the remove_table command.


bucardo list table <name(s)>

If one or more table names is given, only lists the given ones. Wildcards can be used. To view detailed information, use the --vv (very verbose) argument.


$ bucardo list tables

1. Table: public.t1  Database: db1 Syncs: alpha,beta,charlie
3. Table: public.t2  Database: db1 Syncs: alpha,beta,charlie
2. Table: public.t3  Database: db1 Syncs: alpha,beta,charlie
4. Table: public.t4  Database: db1 Syncs: alpha,beta,charlie
5. Table: public.t5  Database: db1

$ bucardo list table %4
4. Table: public.t4  Database: db1 Syncs: alpha,beta,charlie

$ bucardo list table t1 -vv

Table: public.t1 Database: db1 Syncs: alpha,beta,charlie

analyze_after_copy   = 1
cdate                = 2011-11-25 20:18:04.434984-05
customselect         = NULL
db                   = db1
delta_bypass         = 0
delta_bypass_count   = NULL
delta_bypass_min     = NULL
delta_bypass_percent = NULL
ghost                = 0
has_delta            = 0
id                   = 1
makedelta            = NULL
ping                 = NULL
pkey                 = id
pkeytype             = int4
qpkey                = id
rebuild_index        = 0
reltype              = table
schemaname           = public
standard_conflict    = NULL
strict_checking      = 1
tablename            = t1
vacuum_after_copy    = 1


Information is read from the goat table for the main information, from the herdmap table and the sync table table for the sync information.

See also:

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