Column | Type | Notes |
id | INTEGER | NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('goat_id_seq') |
db | TEXT | NOT NULL |
schemaname | TEXT | NOT NULL |
tablename | TEXT | NOT NULL |
reltype | TEXT | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'table' |
pkey | TEXT | NULL |
qpkey | TEXT | NULL |
pkeytype | TEXT | NULL |
has_delta | BOOLEAN | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' |
ping | BOOLEAN | NULL |
customselect | TEXT | NULL |
source_makedelta | ONOFF | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'inherits' |
target_makedelta | ONOFF | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'inherits' |
rebuild_index | SMALLINT | NULL DEFAULT 0 |
ghost | BOOLEAN | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' |
standard_conflict | TEXT | NULL |
analyze_after_copy | BOOLEAN | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'true' |
strict_checking | BOOLEAN | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'true' |
delta_bypass | BOOLEAN | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' |
delta_bypass_min | BIGINT | NULL |
delta_bypass_count | BIGINT | NULL |
delta_bypass_percent | SMALLINT | NULL |
Constraint | Definition |
goat_id_pk | PRIMARY KEY (id) |
goat_db_fk | FOREIGN KEY (db) REFERENCES [bucardo.db](/Bucardo/schema/db)(name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT |
has_schemaname | CHECK (length(schemaname) \> 1) |
valid_reltype | CHECK (reltype IN ('table','sequence')) |
custom_needs_pkey | CHECK ([customselect](/Bucardo/operations/customselect) IS NULL OR length(pkey) \> 1) |
pkey_needs_type | CHECK (pkey = '' OR pkeytype IS NOT NULL) |
standard_conflict | CHECK (((reltype \<\> 'table') OR (standard_conflict IS NULL)) OR (standard_conflict IN ('source','target','skip','random','latest','abort'))) |
standard_conflict_sequence | CHECK (((reltype \<\> 'sequence') OR (standard_conflict IS NULL)) OR (standard_conflict IN ('source','target','skip','lowest','highest'))) |
End Point Dev offers professional support for Bucardo, as well as specializing in developing, designing, and marketing effective websites. Since 1995, our diverse team of developers has shown that End Point can handle your organization’s greatest web and database challenges.