[Bucardo-general] Which version to run and multi-column primary keys support

Constantine Domashnev dconst at rec.ri.cmu.edu
Thu Feb 26 19:41:22 UTC 2009

Thank you very much for the tips.


ps. Chapter "Populating Bucardo" on http://bucardo.org/bucardo.html
implies that the Bucardo DB may be populated by hands, which to some may
look like a good exercise and an alternative to using test examples.

> Constantine Domashnev wrote:
>> In V3.2.7, what would be the correct syntax [pkey, pkeytype] to create a
>> goat entry for a MCPK table?
> You shouldn't need to specify those yourself: Bucardo will figure them
> out for you. But in case you do, it's just a pipe-separated list of
> items. For example, here's the goat table as populated by the testing
> suite:
> id                 | 9
> db                 | A
> schemaname         | public
> tablename          | bucardo_test_multicol
> reltype            | table
> pkey               | id|id2|id3
> qpkey              | id|id2|id3
> pkeytype           | int4|int4|int4
> has_delta          | f
> ping               | \N
> customselect       | \N
> makedelta          | \N
> rebuild_index      | \N
> ghost              | f
> standard_conflict  | \N
> analyze_after_copy | t
> strict_checking    | t
> cdate              | 2009-02-26 13:55:37.534429-05
> --
> Greg Sabino Mullane greg at endpoint.com
> End Point Corporation
> PGP Key: 0x14964AC8

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