[Bucardo-general] Performance option...

Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Sun Aug 22 19:13:01 UTC 2010

Michelle Sullivan wrote:
> Poked! ;-)
> I haven't patched because I haven't spent enough time on it yet..
> However the current code for me at line 3992 reads:
>                 ## Note: column order important for splice and defined
> calls later
>                 $SQL{delta} = qq{
>                 SELECT    DISTINCT $drow,
>                           BUCARDO_PK $aliaslist
>                 FROM      bucardo.bucardo_delta d
>                 LEFT JOIN $S.$T t ON BUCARDO_JOIN
>                 WHERE     d.tablename = \$1::oid
>                 AND       NOT EXISTS (
>                                 SELECT 1
>                                 FROM   bucardo.bucardo_track bt
>                                 WHERE  d.txntime = bt.txntime
>                                 AND    bt.targetdb = '\$2'::text
>                                 AND    bt.tablename = \$1::oid
>                           )
>                 };

Looking into the code over dinner (so not a proper look) I see the
following at line 4100:

            ## Mark all unclaimed visible delta rows as done in the
track table
            ## This must be called within the same transaction as the
delta select
            ## no critic (ProhibitInterpolationOfLiterals)
            $SQL{track} = qq{
                INSERT INTO bucardo.bucardo_track
                SELECT DISTINCT txntime, '\$1'::text, \$2::oid
                FROM bucardo.bucardo_delta d
                WHERE d.tablename = \$2::oid
                AND NOT EXISTS (
                    SELECT 1
                    FROM   bucardo.bucardo_track t
                    WHERE  d.txntime = t.txntime
                    AND    t.targetdb = '\$1'::text
                    AND    t.tablename = \$2::oid

So I suspect this would have to be modified to accept the time of the
latest transaction sync'd which should in theory be a simple change.



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