[Bucardo-general] Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value

web at mr-paradox.net web at mr-paradox.net
Fri Mar 9 04:13:27 UTC 2012


I'm getting the following error when running bucardo_ctl.

Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at ./bucardo_ctl line 3620.

3620 is in add_all_goats:

After some research it seems that in
    ## Connect to the remote database
    my $dbh2 = connect_database({name => $db->{name}});

connect_database seems to successfully connect to my database however
the return $dbh2 at the end of that function doesn't seem to work.

Here's all the info i can think of to add.

RHEL 6.1 x32

PG Version: 9.1.3

bucardo_ctl version 4.4.8

Perl: 4:5.10.1-119.el6
perl-DBD-Pg: 2.15.1-3.el6
perl-DBI: 1.609-4.el6
perl-DBIx-Safe  1.2.5-6.el6 

bucardo=# select * from bucardo.db;
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+-----------------------------
name                 | the_master
dbhost               |
dbport               | 5432
dbname               | shonuff
dbuser               | bucardo
dbpass               | 
dbconn               | 
dbservice            | 
pgpass               | 
status               | active
sourcelimit          | 0
targetlimit          | 0
server_side_prepares | t
cdate                | 2012-03-08 20:23:57.73325+00

Any ideas?


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