[Bucardo-general] Long delay before changes on remote master propogate to local

Paul Theodoropoulos paul at anastrophe.com
Tue Sep 24 20:41:50 UTC 2013

On 9/24/13 7:29 AM, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 01:17:43PM -0700, Paul Theodoropoulos wrote:
>> Yeah, it was just sitting there doing nothing, at least according to
>> the logs.
> Are these syncs set to "ping"? In other words, is there a trigger on the
> tables in question that fire the sync on any change, or do you manually
> kick them off. If the former, Bucardo is supposed to kick off the sync
> when it starts up. For the latter, you would need to initiate a kick, or
> wait for the timeouts to kick in (yes, everything should be in seconds).
Is there a separate configuration for setting a ping on specific syncs? 
Or, is there a separate setting for kick besides 'autokick'?

Oh - I just realized after having a look, my script that does the 
deployment has 'bucardo kick $SYNC' commented out, but I don't remember 
how recently I did that.  That may have been the whole problem. Argh.

Paul Theodoropoulos

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