[Bucardo-general] Long, predictable delay in synchronization

Paul Theodoropoulos paul at anastrophe.com
Fri Sep 27 03:26:59 UTC 2013

On 9/26/2013 20:22, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 02:38:06PM -0700, Paul Theodoropoulos wrote:
>> What secret sauce am I missing?
> Your global configs look sane. Can we see the same for the
> sync(s) in question?
> $ bucardo list sync foobar -vv
     analyze_after_copy = 1
     autokick           = 1
     cdate              = 2013-09-23 12:53:29.455635-07
     checktime          = NULL
     conflict_strategy  =
     copyextra          =
     d                  = DB group trumgr_group_dbs: local_trumgr_group 
(source) remote_trumgr_group (source)
     dbs                = trumgr_group_dbs
     deletemethod       = delete
     expired            = 00:00:00
     isolation_level    = serializable
     kidsalive          = 1
     lifetime           = NULL
     maxkicks           = 0
     name               = trumgr_group_sync
     ok2show            = 1
     onetimecopy        = 0
     overdue            = 00:00:00
     priority           = 0
     rebuild_index      = 0
     status             = active
     stayalive          = 1
     strict_checking    = 1
     track_rates        = 0
     vacuum_after_copy  = 0

(the remote db server is shut down right now, i'm doing a 'catastrophic 
remote outage' test)

Paul Theodoropoulos

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