[Bucardo-general] modifying a table in bucardo, including PK

Markova, Nina Nina.Markova at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca
Fri Apr 11 17:21:31 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I have a table TABLE1  that is being replicated in bucardo.
I need to change the table structure -  will add more fields, some of which will be part of PK (i.e. PK will change too).

What is the best approach doing that? I wasn't able to find a blog for that.

? stop bucardo
1) remove TABLE1 from db, herd, sync
2) modify TABLE1 (incl.PK) - alter table ...command
3) add modified TABLE1 to bucardo in db, herd, sync
4) validate sync, start bucardo

Any caveats ?


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