[Bucardo-general] Bucardo sync Error

Rohit Suraj Kapoor rohitskapoor at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 14 00:20:12 UTC 2017


Need some help.

We have a Bucardo database which is on a EC2 instance and the master and slave database are a rds instance. Whenever i start the sync, it works fine for 10 mins and you can see the data coming in the slave database.

Following is the error we see in the log file...

(2861) [Mon Nov 13 23:15:41 2017] KID (multi_master_prodcom) New kid, sync "multi_master_prodcom" alive=1 Parent=2859 PID=2861 kicked=1 OTC: 1

(2861) [Mon Nov 13 23:24:48 2017] KID (multi_master_prodcom) Kid has died, error is: DBD::Pg::db do failed: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected at Bucardo.pm line 9747. Line: 5041 Main DB state: ? Error: none DB prodcom_master state: 08000 Error: 7 DB prodcom_slave state: ? Error: none
(2861) [Mon Nov 13 23:24:48 2017] KID (multi_master_prodcom) Ping failed for database prodcom_master
(2861) [Mon Nov 13 23:24:48 2017] KID (multi_master_prodcom) Kid 2861 exiting at cleanup_kid. Sync "multi_master_prodcom" public.price_families Reason: DBD::Pg::db do failed: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected at Bucardo.pm line 9747. Line: 5041 Main DB state: ? Error: none DB prodcom_master state: 08000 Error: 7 DB prodcom_slave state: ? Error: none

The log is full of these error and the sync is failing.

Any thought would be helpful to resolve this.


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