[Bucardo-general] Possible areas for Bucardo modernization

Greg Sabino Mullane greg at turnstep.com
Sat Oct 31 12:46:27 UTC 2020

Hash: RIPEMD160

> Should we boost the minimum required Perl version? It's still at 5.8.3.

I'm okay with this. Especially as the Bucardo daemon does not have to 
be on the same box as the database, raising the requirement is not that 
big a deal.

> Should we remove Drizzle support, since the Drizzle project is long dead?

Probably. I doubt anyone will notice.

> There are some workarounds for DBD::Pg < 2.18.1 that can go away once we 
> require at least that version. It was released in May 2011, so seems like 
> that could be done now.

Yep, I think we can require a modern DBD::Pg.

> The FAQ still uses the old terminology multi-master, master-slave: 
> https://bucardo.org/Bucardo/FAQ.html - Any objection to replacing that?


> Are there any TODO comments we can get rid of in the code? Some have been 
> there forever. If they should stay, that's fine, just looking for the case 
> where time has made some no longer needed.

Yes, let's destroy and/or move them into the TODO file.

> A little code question: Around line 7081 of Bucardo.pm this "binarycols" 
> array seems unused, and bytea data is converted to base64, so is this 
> needed?

Looks unused and git blame says I added in 2011, so seems safe to remove.

> I was going to suggest we consider increasing the minimum Postgres version 
> supported, but perhaps this is an area where we should be very 
> conservative because a major use case for Bucardo is for upgrades, and old 
> ...
> Yet maybe we should leave most of those alone.

Yes, here I would be a lot more conservative as we are one of (perhaps the only) 
upgrade path left for older versions other than dump and reload.

One thing I would like for a major version is to remove the plperl dependency. I 
had a branch and got about 75% of the way there at one point, but it's probably 
too stale to worry about now. I seem to recall it wasn't too hard, as most of 
the logic can be handled directly by the 'bucardo' script.

- -- 
Greg Sabino Mullane greg at turnstep.com
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 202010310840


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