[Bucardo-general] bucardo_truncate_trigger error

Victor Nunes victor at teamnext.com.br
Thu Nov 11 18:50:05 UTC 2021

Hey guys ! I'm trying to use bucardo and I'd like to communicate you guys
about something.

After running bucardo install and configure sync, I got the message:
"relation bucardo_truncate_trigger does not exists".

I solved it running the create table command by myself, like that:

CREATE TABLE bucardo.bucardo_truncate_trigger (
    tablename   OID         NOT NULL,
    sname       TEXT        NOT NULL,
    tname       TEXT        NOT NULL,
    sync        TEXT        NOT NULL,
    replicated  TIMESTAMPTZ     NULL,
    cdate       TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

Apparently works, but I imagine this isn't the right way.

Can you guys help me with this?


Victor Silva,
Tech Lead at Team Next.
+55 (11) 97376-6363
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