[Bucardo-general] errors when setting new sync - role already exists?

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Fri Feb 17 21:43:30 UTC 2023

After having setup bucardo successful in a test environment, I tried to
operationalize my stuff on some virtual appliances.  The goal is to do
forklift upgrades of the virtual appliances, but use bucardo to synchronize
the databases before turning off the old machine.
(Or to gain resilience by having a multimaster setup)

I've run into a blocker that I can't seem to get any additional info on.
In this case the "old" machine shipped without bucardo, and I installed
bucardo on it via apt-get, while the new machine had bucardo as part of the
build process.  Aside from ~6 months differences in some packages, they are
mostly identical.  There is certificate authentication between the two
machines, and that seems to work:

bucardo at minerva-fountain:~$ psql
psql (13.9 (Debian 13.9-0+deb11u1))
Type "help" for help.

bucardo=# select * from bucardo.sync;
bucardo=# \q
bucardo at minerva-fountain:~$ psql -h minerva-fountain-01
psql (13.9 (Debian 13.9-0+deb11u1))
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

bucardo=# select * from bucardo.sync;
bucardo=# \q

("minerva-fountain" is new machine, "minerva-fountain-01" is old
machine. Names according to mdns)

I was looking at the sync table on both machines, and it's empty.

bucardo at minerva-fountain:~$ export BUCARDO_DEBUG=true
bucardo at minerva-fountain:~$ bucardo add sync resilience relgroup=resilience dbs=old,me
SQL: INSERT INTO bucardo.sync (dbs,name,herd) VALUES (?,?,?)
$VAR1 = 'resilience';
$VAR2 = 'resilience';
$VAR3 = 'resilience';
WARNING:  Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of DBD::Pg::db handle dbname=fountain at line 189.
Failed to add sync: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR:  role "bucardo" already exists at line 189. at line 30.
CONTEXT:  PL/Perl function "validate_sync" at /usr/bin/bucardo line 4670.

My guess is that validate_sync thinks that bucardo is not properly installed
on the old machine, and is trying to install it, that is failing.

I've tried to drop the bucardo table and role from the old machine, but:

postgres at minerva-fountain-01:~$ dropuser bucardo
dropuser: error: removal of role "bucardo" failed: ERROR:  role "bucardo" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
DETAIL:  60 objects in database fountain

where "fountain" is the database that I want to actually replicate.
I don't quite understand why bucardo owns objects in my target database.

bucardo at minerva-fountain:~$ bucardo list all
-- dbgroups:
dbgroup: resilience  Members: me:target old:source
-- databases:
Database: me   Status: active  Conn: psql -U bucardo -d fountain
Database: old  Status: active  Conn: psql -U bucardo -d fountain -h minerva-fountain-01
-- relgroup:
Relgroup: resilience  DB: old  Members: public.administrators, public.administrators_id_seq, public.ar_internal_metadata, public.certificates, public.certificates_id_seq, public.device_types, public.device_types_id_seq, public.devices, public.devices_id_seq, public.manufacturers, public.manufacturers_id_seq, public.schema_migrations, public.system_variables, public.system_variables_id_seq, public.voucher_requests, public.voucher_requests_id_seq, public.vouchers, public.vouchers_id_seq
-- syncs:
No syncs found
-- tables:
9.  Table: public.administrators        DB: old  PK: id (bigint)
3.  Table: public.ar_internal_metadata  DB: old  PK: key (varchar)
4.  Table: public.certificates          DB: old  PK: id (integer)
11. Table: public.device_types          DB: old  PK: id (integer)
10. Table: public.devices               DB: old  PK: id (integer)
8.  Table: public.manufacturers         DB: old  PK: id (integer)
2.  Table: public.schema_migrations     DB: old  PK: version (varchar)
5.  Table: public.system_variables      DB: old  PK: id (integer)
6.  Table: public.voucher_requests      DB: old  PK: id (integer)
7.  Table: public.vouchers              DB: old  PK: id (integer)
-- sequences:
Sequence: public.administrators_id_seq    DB: old
Sequence: public.certificates_id_seq      DB: old
Sequence: public.devices_id_seq           DB: old
Sequence: public.device_types_id_seq      DB: old
Sequence: public.manufacturers_id_seq     DB: old
Sequence: public.system_variables_id_seq  DB: old
Sequence: public.voucher_requests_id_seq  DB: old
Sequence: public.vouchers_id_seq          DB: old

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