[check_postgres-announce] Version 2.20.1 released

Greg Sabino Mullane greg at endpoint.com
Tue Jun 25 03:12:10 UTC 2013

Version 2.20.1 of check_postgres has just been released. Find it here:


Changes in version 2.20.1:

  Make connection check failures return CRITICAL not UNKNOWN
    (Dominic Hargreaves)

  Fix --reverse option when using string comparisons in custom queries
    (Nathaniel Waisbrot)

  Compute correct 'totalwastedbytes' in the bloat query
    (Michael Renner)

  Do not use pg_stats "inherited" column in bloat query, if the
    database is 8.4 or older. (Greg Sabino Mullane, per bug 121)

  Remove host reordering in hot_standby_delay check
    (Josh Williams, with help from Jacobo Blasco)

  Better output for the "simple" flag
    (Greg Sabino Mullane)

  Force same_schema to ignore the 'relallvisible' column
    (Greg Sabino Mullane)

Changes in version 2.20.0:

  Add check for pgagent jobs (David E. Wheeler)

  Force STDOUT to use utf8 for proper output
    (Greg Sabino Mullane; reported by Emmanuel Lesouef)

  Fixes for Postgres 9.2: new pg_stat_activity view,
    and use pg_tablespace_location, (Josh Williams)

  Allow for spaces in item lists when doing same_schema.

  Allow txn_idle to work again for < 8.3 servers by switching to query_time.

  Fix the check_bloat SQL to take inherited tables into account,
    and assume 2k for non-analyzed columns. (Geert Pante)

  Cache sequence information to speed up same_schema runs.

  Fix --excludeuser in check_txn_idle (Mika Eloranta)

  Fix userclause handling in check_txn_idle (Michael van Bracht)

  Adjust docs to show colon as a better separator inside args for locks
    (Charles Sprickman)

  Fix undefined $SQL2 error in check_txn_idle [github issue 16] (Patric Bechtel)

  Prevent "uninitialized value" warnings when showing the port (Henrik Ahlgren)

  Do not assume everyone has a HOME [github issue 23]

As always, bug reports, patches, and documentation help on bucardo.org 
very welcome!

Greg Sabino Mullane greg at endpoint.com
End Point Corporation
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