[check_postgres] error on sequence with bigint

Scott Marlowe scott.marlowe at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 00:02:21 UTC 2008

Trying to run 2.4.0 against a database with bigserial / bigsequences
and I get this:

bin/check_postgres.pl -db www --action=sequence --warning=95%
ERROR: ERROR:  bigint out of range

If I turn on -v three times, I get some output at the end like this:

Starting run_command with "SELECT last_value, slots, used,
ROUND(used/slots*100) AS percent, slots - used AS numleft FROM
(SELECT last_value,
CEIL((max_value-min_value+1)/increment_by::NUMERIC) AS slots,
CEIL((last_value-min_value+1)/increment_by::NUMERIC) AS used FROM
_slony_www.sl_local_node_id) foo"
               "SELECT last_value, slots, used, ROUND(used/slots*100)
AS percent, slots - used AS numleft FROM  (SELECT last_value,
CEIL((max_value-min_value+1)/increment_by::NUMERIC) AS slots,
CEIL((last_value-min_value+1)/increment_by::NUMERIC) AS used FROM
_slony_www.sl_local_node_id) foo"
System call failed with a 256
ERROR: ERROR:  bigint out of range

I'm wondering if the problem is actually too many sequences...

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