[check_postgres] [commit] Adding tests for connection, database_size
check_postgres at bucardo.org
check_postgres at bucardo.org
Wed Apr 22 20:33:11 UTC 2009
Committed by Selena Deckelmann <selena at endpoint.com>
Adding tests for connection, database_size
t/02_connection.t | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
t/02_database_size.t | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
t/CP_Testing.pm | 25 +++++++++++
3 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/t/02_connection.t b/t/02_connection.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c23b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02_connection.t
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+## Test the "connection" action
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use DBI;
+use Cwd;
+use Test::More tests => 12;
+use lib 't','.';
+use CP_Testing;
+use vars qw/$dbh $dbh2 $SQL $version $host $t $result/;
+my $cp = CP_Testing->new({default_action => 'connection'});
+$dbh = $cp->test_database_handle();
+## Check our version number
+$SQL = 'SELECT version()';
+($version) = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0] =~ /PostgreSQL (\S+)/o;
+$result = $cp->run();
+my $S = q{Action 'connection'};
+$t=qq{$S returned expected text and OK value};
+like ($result, qr{^POSTGRES_CONNECTION OK:}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returned correct performance data};
+like ($result, qr{ \| time=(?:\d\.\d\d)\s$}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returned correct version};
+like ($result, qr{ \| time=(?:\d\.\d\d)\s$}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails when called with an invalid option};
+like ($cp->run('foobar=12'), qr{^\s*Usage:}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails when called with an invalid warning option};
+like ($cp->run('-w felz'), qr{^ERROR: No warning}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('-w " 12345"'), qr{^ERROR: No warning}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('-w 23%%'), qr{^ERROR: No warning}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails when called with an invalid critical option};
+like ($cp->run('-c felz'), qr{^ERROR: No warning or critical}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('-c " 12345"'), qr{^ERROR: No warning or critical}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('-c 23%%'), qr{^ERROR: No warning or critical}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returns correct MRTG output when rows found};
+is ($cp->run('--output=MRTG'), qq{1\n0\n\n\n}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails if there's a fake version function};
+like ($cp->run(), qr{^POSTGRES_CONNECTION UNKNOWN:}, $t);
diff --git a/t/02_database_size.t b/t/02_database_size.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dc17f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02_database_size.t
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+## Test the "database_size" action
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use DBI;
+use Cwd;
+use Test::More tests => 50;
+use lib 't','.';
+use CP_Testing;
+use vars qw/$dbh $dbh2 $SQL $count $host $t $result $user/;
+my $cp = CP_Testing->new({default_action => 'database_size'});
+$dbh = $cp->test_database_handle();
+my $S = q{Action 'database_size'};
+$t=qq{$S returned expected text when no warning/critical size is provided};
+like ($cp->run(''), qr{^ERROR: Must provide a warning and/or critical size}, $t);
+for my $type (qw/b bs k kb kbs m mb mbs g gb gbs t tb tbs p pb pbs e eb ebs z zb zbs/) {
+ my $opt = "-w 10000$type";
+ $t=qq{$S returned expected text when warning level is specified in $type};
+ like ($cp->run($opt), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE OK:}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returned expected text when warning level is specified in nothing};
+like ($cp->run('-w 1'), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE WARNING:}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returned expected text when critical level is specified};
+like ($cp->run('-c 10GB'), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE OK:}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returned expected text when warning level and critical level are specified};
+like ($cp->run('-w 10GB -c 20GB'), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE OK:}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails when called with an invalid option};
+like ($cp->run('foobar=12'), qr{^\s*Usage:}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails when called with an invalid warning option};
+like ($cp->run('-w felz'), qr{^ERROR: Invalid size}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('-w 23%%'), qr{^ERROR: Invalid size}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails when called with an invalid critical option};
+like ($cp->run('-c felz'), qr{^ERROR: Invalid size}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('-c 23%%'), qr{^ERROR: Invalid size}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails when the warning option is greater than the critical option};
+## Backends uses 'greater than' instead of 'larger than' -- make these the same?
+like ($cp->run('-w 20 -c 10'), qr{^ERROR: The 'warning'.+larger}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('-w 20mb -c 10mb'), qr{^ERROR: The 'warning'.+larger}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S fails when the warning or critical size is negative};
+like ($cp->run('-w -10'), qr{^ERROR: Invalid size}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('-c -20'), qr{^ERROR: Invalid size}, $t);
+## Not sure how to do this check in Windows
+$t=qq{$S with excludeuser option returns the expected result (uses user: $ENV{USER})};
+like ($cp->run("-w 10g --excludeuser $ENV{USER}"), qr{No matching entries found due to user exclusion}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S with includeuser option returns the expected result};
+$user = $cp->get_user();
+$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
+$dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE blargy WITH OWNER $user");
+$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
+like ($cp->run("--includeuser $user -w 10g"), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE OK:.+ blargy}, $t);
+$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
+$dbh->do("DROP DATABASE blargy");
+$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
+$t=qq{$S with includeuser option returns nothing};
+like ($cp->run("--includeuser mycatbeda -w 10g"), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE OK:.+ }, $t);
+$t=qq{$S has critical option trump the warning option};
+like ($cp->run('-w 1 -c 1'), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE CRITICAL}, $t);
+like ($cp->run('--critical=1 --warning=0'), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE CRITICAL}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returns correct MRTG output when no rows found};
+like ($cp->run("--output=MRTG -w 10g --excludeuser $ENV{USER}"), qr{^-1}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returns correct MRTG output when rows found};
+like ($cp->run('--output=MRTG -w 10g'), qr{\d+\n0\n\nDB: postgres\n}s, $t);
+$t=qq{$S works when include forces no matches};
+like ($cp->run('-w 1 --include blargy'), qr{^POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE UNKNOWN: .+No matching databases}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S works when include has valid database};
+like ($cp->run('-w 1 --include=postgres'), qr{POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE WARNING: .+postgres}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S works when exclude excludes nothing};
+like ($cp->run('-w 10g --exclude=foobar'), qr{POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE OK: DB "postgres"}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S works when include and exclude make a match};
+like ($cp->run('-w 5g --exclude=postgres --include=postgres'), qr{POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE OK: DB "postgres"}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S works when exclude and include make a match};
+like ($cp->run('-w 5g --include=postgres --exclude=postgres'), qr{POSTGRES_DATABASE_SIZE OK: DB "postgres"}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S returned correct performance data with include};
+like ($cp->run('-w 5g --include=postgres'), qr{ \| time=\d\.\d\d postgres=\d+}, $t);
+$t=qq{$S with includeuser option returns nothing};
+like ($cp->run("--includeuser postgres --includeuser mycatbeda -w 10g"), qr{No matching entries found due to user exclusion}, $t);
diff --git a/t/CP_Testing.pm b/t/CP_Testing.pm
index 67ea10e..ab2e008 100644
--- a/t/CP_Testing.pm
+++ b/t/CP_Testing.pm
@@ -217,6 +217,11 @@ sub get_dbh {
return $self->{dbh} || die;
+sub get_user {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{testuser} || die;
sub get_fresh_dbh {
my $self = shift;
@@ -347,4 +352,24 @@ sub reset_path {
} ## end of reset_path
+sub bad_fake_version {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $version = shift || '9.9';
+ my $dbh = $self->{dbh} || die;
+ my $dbuser = $self->{testuser} || die;
+ $dbh->do(qq{
+AS \$\$
+SELECT 'Postgres $version on fakefunction for check_postgres.pl testing'::text;
+ $dbh->do("ALTER USER $dbuser SET search_path = public, pg_catalog");
+ $dbh->commit();
+} ## end of bad_fake_version
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