[check_postgres] [commit] Test of the relation_size, table_size, and index_size actions.
check_postgres at bucardo.org
check_postgres at bucardo.org
Thu Apr 23 16:48:51 UTC 2009
Committed by Jeff Boes <jeff at endpoint.com>
Test of the relation_size, table_size, and index_size actions.
t/02_relation_size.t | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/t/02_relation_size.t b/t/02_relation_size.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e28ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02_relation_size.t
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+## Test the "relation_size" action
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use DBI;
+use Test::More tests => 23;
+use lib 't','.';
+use CP_Testing;
+use vars qw/$dbh $dbname $host $t $result $user $label/;
+my $cp = CP_Testing->new({default_action => 'relation_size'});
+$dbh = $cp->test_database_handle();
+$dbname = $cp->get_dbname;
+$host = $cp->get_host();
+$user = $cp->get_user();
+my $S = q{Action 'relation_size'};
+my $testtbl = 'test_relation_size';
+$t = qq{$S reports error when no warning/critical supplied};
+is ($cp->run(), qq{ERROR: Must provide a warning and/or critical size\n}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S reports error when warning/critical invalid};
+is ($cp->run(q{-w -1}), qq{ERROR: Invalid size for 'warning' option\n}, $t);
+is ($cp->run(q{-c -1}), qq{ERROR: Invalid size for 'critical' option\n}, $t);
+$result = $cp->run(q{-w 1});
+$t = qq{$S self-identifies};
+like ($result, qr:$label:, $t);
+$t = qq{$S identifies database};
+like ($result, qr{DB "$dbname"}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S identifies host};
+like ($result, qr{host:$host}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S processes 'perflimit=1'};
+like ($cp->run(q{-w 1 --perflimit 1}),
+ qr{time=\d+\.\d{2}(?:\s+\w+\.\w+=\d+){1}\s+\Z}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S processes 'perflimit=2'};
+like ($cp->run(q{-w 1 --perflimit 2}),
+ qr{time=\d+\.\d{2}(?:\s+\w+\.\w+=\d+){2}\s+\Z}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S detects no matching tables due to unknown user};
+like ($cp->run(q{-w 1 --includeuser foo}), qr{$label OK:.*No matching entries found due to user exclusion/inclusion options}, $t);
+local $dbh->{Warn} = 0;
+$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $testtbl");
+$dbh->do(qq{CREATE TABLE $testtbl (a integer)});
+$t = qq{$S detects matching tables using 'testuser'};
+like ($cp->run(qq{-w 1 --includeuser=$user}),
+ qr{$label OK:.*largest relation is table "public.$testtbl"}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S detects no matching relations};
+like ($cp->run(qq{-w 1 --includeuser=$user --include=foo}),
+ qr{$label UNKNOWN.*No matching relations found due to exclusion/inclusion options}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S detects largest relation (warning)};
+$dbh->do(qq{INSERT INTO "$testtbl" SELECT a FROM generate_series(1,5000) AS s(a)});
+sleep 1;
+like ($cp->run(qq{-w 1 --includeuser=$user --include=$testtbl}),
+ qr{$label WARNING.*largest relation is table "\w+\.$testtbl": \d+ kB}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S detects largest relation (critical)};
+like ($cp->run(qq{-c 1 --includeuser=$user --include=$testtbl}),
+ qr{$label CRITICAL.*largest relation is table "\w+\.$testtbl": \d+ kB}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S outputs MRTG};
+like ($cp->run(qq{--output=mrtg -w 1 --includeuser=$user --include=$testtbl}),
+ qr{\A\d+\n0\n\nDB: $dbname TABLE: \w+\.$testtbl\n\z}, $t);
+$t = qq{$S includes indexes};
+$dbh->do(qq{CREATE INDEX "${testtbl}_index" ON "$testtbl" (a)});
+like ($cp->run(qq{-w 1 --includeuser=$user --include=${testtbl}_index}),
+ qr{$label WARNING.*largest relation is index "${testtbl}_index": \d+ kB}, $t);
+#### Switch gears, and test the related functions "check_table_size" and "check_index_size".
+for $S (qw(table_size index_size)) {
+ $result = $cp->run($S, q{-w 1});
+ $label = "POSTGRES_\U$S";
+ $t = qq{$S self-identifies};
+ like ($result, qr:$label:, $t);
+ $t = qq{$S identifies database};
+ like ($result, qr{DB "$dbname"}, $t);
+ $t = qq{$S identifies host};
+ like ($result, qr{host:$host}, $t);
+ $t = qq{$S includes its focus, excludes other};
+ my $include = "--include=$testtbl" .
+ ($S eq 'table_size'
+ ? '_table'
+ : '_index');
+ my $exclude = "--exclude=$testtbl" .
+ ($S ne 'table_size'
+ ? '_table'
+ : '_index');
+ my $message = 'largest ' . ($S eq 'table_size'
+ ? 'table'
+ : 'index');
+ like ($cp->run($S, qq{-w 1 --includeuser=$user $include $exclude}),
+ qr|$label.*$message|, $t)
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