[check_postgres] problem parsing output in check_fsm_relations and check_fsm_pages

Luke Koops luke.koops at entrust.com
Thu Aug 27 21:10:59 UTC 2009

I am using strawberry perl version v5.10.0 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread

To run this on Windows I had to make a small change in handling the $HOME directory, but that's not the issue.

in check_fsm_pages and check_fsm_rlations, the query return value isn't getting parsed properly.  It assumes that the string ends immediately after the value in the percent column.  There is a CRLF there.  Perhaps it is a Windows thing.  In both functions, I had to change this:
   SLURP: while ($db->{slurp} =~ /\s*(\d*) \|\s+(\d+) \|\s+(\d*)$/gsm) {

to this
   SLURP: while ($db->{slurp} =~ /\s*(\d+) \|\s+(\d+) \|\s+(\d+)\s*/gsm) {

I'm using postgresql 8.3.7 on Windows 2003 SP2 EE.

Is there any interest in making this tool run on Windows?
Is this change going to break anything on Unix/Linux?

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