[check_postgres] [commit] More messages, alphabetasize the lot.
check_postgres at bucardo.org
check_postgres at bucardo.org
Wed Feb 18 17:28:30 UTC 2009
Committed by Greg Sabino Mullane <greg at endpoint.com>
More messages, alphabetasize the lot.
check_postgres.pl | 240 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)
diff --git a/check_postgres.pl b/check_postgres.pl
index 18b4709..adcf2ca 100755
--- a/check_postgres.pl
+++ b/check_postgres.pl
@@ -72,25 +72,68 @@ our $YELLNAME = 1;
## Messages. Translations always welcome
our %msg = (
'en' => {
- 'usage' => qq{\nUsage: \$1 <options>\n Try "\$1 --help" for a complete list of options\n\n},
- 'unknown-error' => q{unknown error},
+ 'backends-users' => q{$1 for number of users must be a number or percentage},
+ 'backends-nomax' => q{Could not determine max_connections},
+ 'backends-mrtg' => q{DB=$1 Max connections=$2},
+ 'backends-msg' => q{$1 of $2 connections ($3%)},
+ 'bloat-index' => q{index $1 rows:$2 pages:$3 shouldbe:$4 ($5X) wasted bytes:$6 ($7)},
+ 'bloat-nomin' => q{no relations meet the minimum bloat criteria},
+ 'bloat-table' => q{table $1.$2 rows:$3 pages:$3 shouldbe:$4 ($5X) wasted size:$6 ($7)},
+ 'die-action-version' => q{Cannot run "$1": server version must be >= $2, but is $3},
+ 'die-badtime' => q{Value for '$1' must be a valid time. Examples: -$2 1s -$2 "10 minutes"},
+ 'die-badversion' => q{Invalid version string: $1},
+ 'die-noset' => q{Cannot run "$1" $2 is not set to on},
+ 'die-nosetting' => q{Could not fetch setting '$1'},
+ 'file-noclose' => q{Could not close $1: $2},
+ 'invalid-option' => q{Invalid option},
'invalid-query' => q{Invalid query returned: $1},
+ 'mrtg-fail' => q{Action $1 failed: $2},
+ 'no-match-db' => q{No matching databases found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
+ 'no-match-fs' => q{No matching file systems found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
+ 'no-match-rel' => q{No matching relations found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
+ 'no-match-set' => q{No matching settings found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
+ 'no-match-table' => q{No matching tables found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
+ 'no-match-user' => q{No matching entries found due to user exclusion/inclusion options},
'no-time-hires' => q{Cannot find Time::HiRes, needed if 'showtime' is true},
'opt-output-invalid' => q{Invalid output: must be 'nagios' or 'mrtg' or 'simple' or 'cacti'},
- 'opt-psql-restrict' => q{Cannot use the --PSQL option when NO_PSQL_OPTION is on},
'opt-psql-badpath' => q{Invalid psql argument: must be full path to a file named psql},
+ 'opt-psql-noexec' => q{The file "$1" does not appear to be executable},
'opt-psql-noexist' => q{Cannot find given psql executable: $1},
'opt-psql-nofind' => q{Could not find a suitable psql executable},
- 'opt-psql-noexec' => q{The file "$1" does not appear to be executable},
'opt-psql-nover' => q{Could not determine psql version},
- 'mrtg-fail' => q{Action $1 failed: $2},
- 'testmode-start' => q{BEGIN TEST MODE},
- 'testmode-fail' => q{Connection failed: $1 $2},
- 'testmode-ok' => q{Connection ok: $1},
- 'testmode-nover' => q{Could not find version for $1},
- 'testmode-norun' => q{Cannot run "$1" on $2: version must be >= $3, but is $4},
- 'testmode-noset' => q{Cannot run "$1" on $2: $3 is not set to on},
- 'testmode-end' => q{END OF TEST MODE},
+ 'opt-psql-restrict' => q{Cannot use the --PSQL option when NO_PSQL_OPTION is on},
+ 'range-badcs' => q{Invalid '$1' option: must be a checksum},
+ 'range-badlock' => q{Invalid '$1' option: must be number of locks, or "type1=#;type2=#"},
+ 'range-badpercent' => q{Invalid '$1' option: must be a percentage},
+ 'range-badpercsize' => q{Invalid '$1' option: must be a size or a percentage},
+ 'range-badsize' => q{Invalid size for '$1' option},
+ 'range-badtype' => q{validate_range called with unknown type '$1'},
+ 'range-badversion' => q{Invalid string for '1' option: $2},
+ 'range-cactionly' => q{This action is for cacti use only and takes not warning or critical arguments},
+ 'range-int' => q{Invalid argument for '$1' option: must be an integer},
+ 'range-int-pos' => q{Invalid argument for '$1' option: must be a positive integer},
+ 'range-neg-percent' => q{Cannot specify a negative percent!},
+ 'range-noopt-both' => q{Must provide both 'warning' and 'critical' options},
+ 'range-noopt-one' => q{Must provide a 'warning' or 'critical' option},
+ 'range-noopt-only' => q{Can only provide 'warning' OR 'critical' option},
+ 'range-noopt-orboth' => q{Must provide a 'warning' option, a 'critical' option, or both},
+ 'range-noopt-size' => q{Must provide a warning and/or critical size},
+ 'range-nosize' => q{Must provide a warning and/or critical size},
+ 'range-notime' => q{Must provide a warning and/or critical time},
+ 'range-seconds' => q{Invalid argument to '$1' option: must be number of seconds},
+ 'range-version' => q{must be in the format X.Y or X.Y.Z, where X is the major version number, }.
+ q{Y is the minor version number, and Z is the revision},
+ 'range-warnbig' => q{The 'warning' option cannot be greater than the 'critical' option},
+ 'range-warnbigsize' => q{The 'warning' option ($1 bytes) cannot be larger than the 'critical' option ($2 bytes)},
+ 'range-warnbigtime' => q{The 'warning' option ($1 s) cannot be larger than the 'critical' option ($2 s)},
+ 'range-warnsmall' => q{The 'warning' option cannot be less than the 'critical' option},
+ 'runcommand-err' => q{Unknown error inside of the "run_command" function},
+ 'runcommand-nodb' => q{No target databases could be found},
+ 'runcommand-nodupe' => q{Could not dupe STDERR},
+ 'runcommand-noerr' => q{Could not open STDERR?!},
+ 'runcommand-pgpass' => q{Created temporary pgpass file $1},
+ 'runcommand-timeout' => q{Command timed out! Consider boosting --timeout higher than $1},
+ 'runcoomand-nosys' => q{System call failed with a $1},
'symlink-create' => q{Created "$1"},
'symlink-done' => q{Not creating "$1": $2 already linked to "$3"},
'symlink-exists' => q{Not creating "$1": $2 file already exists},
@@ -98,45 +141,29 @@ our %msg = (
'symlink-fail2' => q{Could not symlink $1 to $2: $3},
'symlink-name' => q{This command will not work unless the program has the word "postgres" in it},
'symlink-unlink' => q{Unlinking "$1":$2 },
- 'time-second' => q{second},
- 'time-seconds' => q{seconds},
- 'time-minute' => q{minute},
- 'time-minutes' => q{minutes},
- 'time-hour' => q{hour},
- 'time-hours' => q{hours},
+ 'testmode-end' => q{END OF TEST MODE},
+ 'testmode-fail' => q{Connection failed: $1 $2},
+ 'testmode-norun' => q{Cannot run "$1" on $2: version must be >= $3, but is $4},
+ 'testmode-noset' => q{Cannot run "$1" on $2: $3 is not set to on},
+ 'testmode-nover' => q{Could not find version for $1},
+ 'testmode-ok' => q{Connection ok: $1},
+ 'testmode-start' => q{BEGIN TEST MODE},
'time-day' => q{day},
'time-days' => q{days},
+ 'time-hour' => q{hour},
+ 'time-hours' => q{hours},
+ 'time-minute' => q{minute},
+ 'time-minutes' => q{minutes},
+ 'time-month' => q{month},
+ 'time-months' => q{months},
+ 'time-second' => q{second},
+ 'time-seconds' => q{seconds},
'time-week' => q{week},
'time-weeks' => q{weeks},
- 'time-month' => q{month},
- 'time-monthss' => q{months},
'time-year' => q{year},
'time-years' => q{years},
- 'no-match-db' => q{No matching databases found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
- 'no-match-fs' => q{No matching file systems found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
- 'no-match-rel' => q{No matching relations found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
- 'no-match-set' => q{No matching settings found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
- 'no-match-table' => q{No matching tables found due to exclusion/inclusion options},
- 'no-match-user' => q{No matching entries found due to user exclusion/inclusion options},
- 'runcommand-err' => q{Unknown error inside of the "run_command" function},
- 'runcommand-nodb' => q{No target databases could be found},
- 'runcommand-nodupe' => q{Could not dupe STDERR},
- 'runcommand-noerr' => q{Could not open STDERR?!},
- 'runcoomand-nosys' => q{System call failed with a $1},
- 'runcommand-pgpass' => q{Created temporary pgpass file $1},
- 'runcommand-timeout' => q{Command timed out! Consider boosting --timeout higher than $1},
- 'file-noclose' => q{Could not close $1: $2},
- 'die-action-version' => q{Cannot run "$1": server version must be >= $2, but is $3},
- 'die-badversion' => q{Invalid version string: $1},
- 'die-nosetting' => q{Could not fetch setting '$1'},
- 'die-noset' => q{Cannot run "$1" $2 is not set to on},
- 'die-badtime' => q{Value for '$1' must be a valid time. Examples: -$2 1s -$2 "10 minutes"},
- 'bloat-nomin' => q{no relations meet the minimum bloat criteria},
- 'bloat-table' => q{table $1.$2 rows:$3 pages:$3 shouldbe:$4 ($5X) wasted size:$6 ($7)},
- 'bloat-index' => q{index $1 rows:$2 pages:$3 shouldbe:$4 ($5X) wasted bytes:$6 ($7)},
+ 'unknown-error' => q{Unknown error},
+ 'usage' => qq{\nUsage: \$1 <options>\n Try "\$1 --help" for a complete list of options\n\n},
'fr' => {
'invalid-query' => q{Une requête invalide a renvoyé : $1},
@@ -562,7 +589,7 @@ sub do_mrtg_stats {
## Show the two highest items for mrtg stats hash
- my $msg = shift || 'unknown error';
+ my $msg = shift || msg('unknown-error');
keys %stats or bad_mrtg($msg);
my ($one,$two) = ('','');
@@ -1179,7 +1206,7 @@ sub run_command {
$ENV{PGPASSFILE} = $passfile;
printf $passfh "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n",
$db->{host} eq '<none>' ? '*' : $db->{host}, $db->{port}, $db->{dbname}, $db->{dbuser}, $db->{dbpass};
- close $passfh or ndie msgn('file-noclose', $passfile, $!);
+ close $passfh or ndie msg('file-noclose', $passfile, $!);
push @args, '-o', $tempfile;
@@ -1225,16 +1252,16 @@ sub run_command {
alarm 0;
my $start = $opt{showtime} ? [gettimeofday()] : 0;
- open my $oldstderr, '>&', \*STDERR or ndie msgn('runcommand-nodupe');
- open STDERR, '>', $errorfile or ndie msgn('runcommand-noerr');
+ open my $oldstderr, '>&', \*STDERR or ndie msg('runcommand-nodupe');
+ open STDERR, '>', $errorfile or ndie msg('runcommand-noerr');
eval {
alarm $timeout;
$res = system $PSQL => @args;
my $err = $@;
alarm 0;
- open STDERR, '>&', $oldstderr or ndie msgn('runcommand-noerr');
- close $oldstderr or ndie msgn('file-noclose', 'STDERR copy', $!);
+ open STDERR, '>&', $oldstderr or ndie msg('runcommand-noerr');
+ close $oldstderr or ndie msg('file-noclose', 'STDERR copy', $!);
if ($err) {
if ($err =~ /Timed out/) {
ndie msg('runcommand-timeout', $timeout);
@@ -1294,7 +1321,7 @@ sub run_command {
ndie $db->{error};
if ($db->{slurp} !~ /PostgreSQL (\d+\.\d+)/) {
- ndie msgn('die-badversion', $db->{slurp});
+ ndie msg('die-badversion', $db->{slurp});
$db->{version} = $1;
$db->{ok} = 0;
@@ -1322,8 +1349,8 @@ sub run_command {
} ## end each database
- close $errfh or ndie msgn('file-noclose', $errorfile, $!);
- close $tempfh or ndie msgn('file-noclose', $tempfile, $!);
+ close $errfh or ndie msg('file-noclose', $errorfile, $!);
+ close $tempfh or ndie msg('file-noclose', $tempfile, $!);
eval { File::Temp::cleanup(); };
@@ -1365,7 +1392,7 @@ sub verify_version {
if (!defined $info->{db}[0] or $info->{db}[0]{slurp} !~ /((\d+)\.(\d+))/) {
- ndie msgn('die-badversion', $SQL);
+ ndie msg('die-badversion', $SQL);
my ($sver,$smaj,$smin) = ($1,$2,$3);
@@ -1376,7 +1403,7 @@ sub verify_version {
if ($limit =~ /VERSION: ((\d+)\.(\d+))/) {
my ($rver,$rmaj,$rmin) = ($1,$2,$3);
if ($smaj < $rmaj or ($smaj==$rmaj and $smin < $rmin)) {
- ndie msgn('die-action-version', $action, $rver, $sver);
+ ndie msg('die-action-version', $action, $rver, $sver);
@@ -1391,11 +1418,11 @@ sub verify_version {
$SQL = qq{SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = '$setting'};
my $info = run_command($SQL);
if (!defined $info->{db}[0]) {
- ndie msgn('die-nosetting', $setting);
+ ndie msg('die-nosetting', $setting);
my $val = $info->{db}[0]{slurp};
if ($val !~ /^on\b/) {
- ndie msgn('die-noset', $action, $setting);
+ ndie msg('die-noset', $action, $setting);
@@ -1425,7 +1452,7 @@ sub size_in_seconds {
return '' if ! length $string;
if ($string !~ $timere) {
my $l = substr($type,0,1);
- ndie msgn('die-badtime', $type, $l);
+ ndie msg('die-badtime', $type, $l);
my ($val,$unit) = ($1,lc substr($2||'s',0,1));
my $tempval = sprintf '%.9f', $val * ($unit eq 's' ? 1 : $unit eq 'm' ? 60 : $unit eq 'h' ? 3600 : 86600);
@@ -1524,17 +1551,17 @@ sub validate_range {
elsif ('seconds' eq $type) {
if (length $warning) {
if ($warning !~ $timesecre) {
- ndie qq{Invalid argument to 'warning' option: must be number of seconds\n};
+ ndie msg('range-seconds', 'warning');
$warning = $1;
if (length $critical) {
if ($critical !~ $timesecre) {
- ndie qq{Invalid argument to 'critical' option: must be number of seconds\n};
+ ndie msg('range-seconds', 'critical')
$critical = $1;
if (length $warning and $warning > $critical) {
- ndie qq{The 'warning' option ($warning s) cannot be larger than the 'critical' option ($critical s)\n};
+ ndie msg('range-warnbigtime', $warning, $critical);
@@ -1542,81 +1569,78 @@ sub validate_range {
$critical = size_in_seconds($critical, 'critical');
$warning = size_in_seconds($warning, 'warning');
if (! length $critical and ! length $warning) {
- ndie qq{Must provide a warning and/or critical time\n};
+ ndie msg('range-notime');
if (length $warning and length $critical and $warning > $critical) {
- ndie qq{The 'warning' option ($warning s) cannot be larger than the 'critical' option ($critical s)\n};
+ ndie msg('range-warnbigtime', $warning, $critical);
elsif ('version' eq $type) {
- my $msg = q{must be in the format X.Y or X.Y.Z, where X is the major version number, }
- .q{Y is the minor version number, and Z is the revision};
+ my $msg = msg('range-version');
if (length $warning and $warning !~ /^\d+\.\d\.?[\d\w]*$/) {
- ndie qq{Invalid string for 'warning' option: $msg};
+ ndie msg('range-badversion', 'warning', $msg);
if (length $critical and $critical !~ /^\d+\.\d\.?[\d\w]*$/) {
- ndie qq{Invalid string for 'critical' option: $msg};
+ ndie msg('range-badversion', 'critical', $msg);
if (! length $critical and ! length $warning) {
- ndie "Must provide a 'warning' option, a 'critical' option, or both\n";
+ ndie msg('range-noopt-orboth');
elsif ('size' eq $type) {
if (length $critical) {
if ($critical !~ $sizere) {
- ndie "Invalid size for 'critical' option\n";
+ ndie msg('range-badsize', 'critical');
$critical = size_in_bytes($1,$2);
if (length $warning) {
if ($warning !~ $sizere) {
- ndie "Invalid size for 'warning' option\n";
+ ndie msg('range-badsize', 'warning');
$warning = size_in_bytes($1,$2);
if (length $critical and $warning > $critical) {
- ndie qq{The 'warning' option ($warning bytes) cannot be larger than the 'critical' option ($critical bytes)\n};
+ ndie msg('range-warnbigsize', $warning, $critical);
elsif (!length $critical) {
- ndie qq{Must provide a warning and/or critical size\n};
+ ndie mgn('range-nosize');
elsif ($type =~ /integer/) {
$warning =~ s/_//g;
if (length $warning and $warning !~ /^\d+$/) {
- ndie sprintf "Invalid argument for 'warning' option: must be %s integer\n",
- $type =~ /positive/ ? 'a positive' : 'an';
+ ndie $type =~ /positive/ ? msg('range-int-pos', 'warning') : msg('range-int', 'warning');
$critical =~ s/_//g;
if (length $critical and $critical !~ /^\d+$/) {
- ndie sprintf "Invalid argument for 'critical' option: must be %s integer\n",
- $type =~ /positive/ ? 'a positive' : 'an';
+ ndie $type =~ /positive/ ? msg('range-int-pos', 'critical') : msg('range-int', 'critical');
if (length $warning and length $critical and $warning > $critical) {
return if $opt{reverse};
- ndie qq{The 'warning' option cannot be greater than the 'critical' option\n};
+ ndie msg('range-warnbig');
elsif ('restringex' eq $type) {
if (! length $critical and ! length $warning) {
- ndie qq{Must provide a 'warning' or 'critical' option\n};
+ ndie msg('range-noopt-one');
if (length $critical and length $warning) {
- ndie qq{Can only provide 'warning' OR 'critical' option\n};
+ ndie msg('range-noopt-only');
my $string = length $critical ? $critical : $warning;
my $regex = ($string =~ s/^~//) ? '~' : '=';
- $string =~ /^\w+$/ or die qq{Invalid option\n};
+ $string =~ /^\w+$/ or ndie msg('invalid-option');
elsif ('percent' eq $type) {
if (length $critical) {
if ($critical !~ /^\d+\%$/) {
- ndie qq{Invalid 'critical' option: must be percentage\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badpercent', 'critical');
if (length $warning) {
if ($warning !~ /^\d+\%$/) {
- ndie qq{Invalid 'warning' option: must be percentage\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badpercent', 'warning');
@@ -1626,7 +1650,7 @@ sub validate_range {
$critical = size_in_bytes($1,$2);
elsif ($critical !~ /^\d+\%$/) {
- ndie qq{Invalid 'critical' option: must be size or percentage\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badpercsize', 'critical');
if (length $warning) {
@@ -1634,19 +1658,19 @@ sub validate_range {
$warning = size_in_bytes($1,$2);
elsif ($warning !~ /^\d+\%$/) {
- ndie qq{Invalid 'warning' option: must be size or percentage\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badpercsize', 'warning');
elsif (! length $critical) {
- ndie qq{Must provide a warning and/or critical size\n};
+ ndie msg('range-noopt-size');
elsif ('checksum' eq $type) {
if (length $critical and $critical !~ $checksumre and $critical ne '0') {
- ndie qq{Invalid 'critical' option: must be a checksum\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badcs', 'critical');
if (length $warning and $warning !~ $checksumre) {
- ndie qq{Invalid 'warning' option: must be a checksum\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badcs', 'warning');
elsif ('multival' eq $type) { ## Simple number, or foo=#;bar=#
@@ -1660,7 +1684,7 @@ sub validate_range {
$critical = \%err;
elsif (length $critical and $critical !~ /^\d+$/) {
- ndie qq{Invalid 'critical' option: must be number of locks, or "type1=#;type2=#"\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badlock', 'critical');
my %warn;
while ($warning =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*(\d+)/gi) {
@@ -1672,34 +1696,34 @@ sub validate_range {
$warning = \%warn;
elsif (length $warning and $warning !~ /^\d+$/) {
- ndie qq{Invalid 'warning' option: must be number of locks, or "type1=#;type2=#"\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badlock', 'warning');
elsif ('cacti' eq $type) { ## Takes no args, just dumps data
if (length $warning or length $critical) {
- die "This action is for cacti use only and takes not warning or critical arguments\n";
+ ndie msg('range-cacti-only');
else {
- ndie qq{validate_range called with unknown type '$type'\n};
+ ndie msg('range-badtype', $type);
if ($arg->{both}) {
if (! length $warning or ! length $critical) {
- ndie qq{Must provide both 'warning' and 'critical' options\n};
+ ndie msg('range-noopt-both');
if ($arg->{leastone}) {
if (! length $warning and ! length $critical) {
- ndie qq{Must provide at least a 'warning' or 'critical' option\n};
+ ndie msg('range-noopt-one');
elsif ($arg->{onlyone}) {
if (length $warning and length $critical) {
- ndie qq{Can only provide 'warning' OR 'critical' option\n};
+ ndie msg('range-noopt-only');
if (! length $warning and ! length $critical) {
- ndie qq{Must provide either 'critical' or 'warning' option\n};
+ ndie msg('range-nopt-one');
@@ -1801,22 +1825,22 @@ sub check_backends {
my $validre = qr{^(\-?)(\d+)(\%?)$};
if ($warning !~ $validre) {
- ndie "Warning for number of users must be a number or percentage\n";
+ ndie msg('backends-users', 'Warning');
my ($w1,$w2,$w3) = ($1,$2,$3);
if ($critical !~ $validre) {
- ndie "Critical for number of users must be a number or percentage\n";
+ ndie msg('backends-users', 'Critical');
my ($e1,$e2,$e3) = ($1,$2,$3);
if ($w2 > $e2 and $w1 eq $e1 and $w3 eq $e3 and $w1 eq '') {
- ndie qq{Makes no sense for warning to be greater than critical!\n};
+ ndie msg('range-warnbig');
if ($w2 < $e2 and $w1 eq $e1 and $w3 eq $e3 and $w1 eq '-') {
- ndie qq{Makes no sense for warning to be less than critical!\n};
+ ndie msg('range-warnsmall');
if (($w1 and $w3) or ($e1 and $e3)) {
- ndie qq{Cannot specify a negative percent!\n};
+ ndie msg('range-neg-percent');
my $MAXSQL = q{SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'max_connections'};
@@ -1832,15 +1856,15 @@ sub check_backends {
$db = $info->{db}[0];
if ($db->{slurp} !~ /(\d+)/) {
undef %unknown;
- add_unknown q{Could not determine max_connections};
+ add_unknown msg('backends-nomax');
my $limit = $1;
if ($MRTG) {
- do_mrtg({one => 1, msg => "DB=$db->{dbname} Max connections=$limit"});
+ do_mrtg({one => 1, msg => msg('backends_mrtg', $db->{dbname}, $limit)});
my $percent = (int 1/$limit*100) || 1;
- add_ok qq{1 of $limit connections ($percent%)};
+ add_ok msg('backends-msg', 1, $limit, $percent);
@@ -1856,7 +1880,7 @@ sub check_backends {
if ($MRTG) {
$stats{$db->{dbname}} = $total;
- $statsmsg{$db->{dbname}} = "DB=$db->{dbname} Max connections=$limit";
+ $statsmsg{$db->{dbname}} = msg('backends-mrtg', $db->{dbname}, $limit);
if (!$total) {
@@ -1864,7 +1888,7 @@ sub check_backends {
my $percent = (int $total / $limit*100) || 1;
- my $msg = qq{$total of $limit connections ($percent%)};
+ my $msg = msg('backends-msg', $total, $limit, $percent);
my $ok = 1;
if ($e1) { ## minus
$ok = 0 if $limit-$total >= $e2;
@@ -2111,7 +2135,7 @@ ORDER BY wastedbytes DESC LIMIT $LIMIT
if ($MRTG) {
- keys %stats or bad_mrtg(msg('unknown error'));
+ keys %stats or bad_mrtg(msg('unknown-error'));
## We are going to report the highest wasted bytes for table and index
my ($one,$two,$msg) = ('','');
## Can also sort by ratio
@@ -2400,7 +2424,7 @@ sub check_disk_space {
if ($MRTG) {
- keys %stats or bad_mrtg('unknown error');
+ keys %stats or bad_mrtg(msg('unknown-error'));
## Get the highest by total size or percent (total, used, avail, percent)
## We default to 'available'
my $sortby = exists $opt{mrtg}
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