[check_postgres] Two new patches
Guillaume Lelarge
guillaume at lelarge.info
Tue Mar 2 15:25:11 UTC 2010
Here at Dalibo, we use these two patches since a few months.
The first one, pgbouncer.patch, allows us to check that pgbouncer
configuration hasn't changed (same thing than the checksum-settings
report). I don't think this patch can be integrated right away in
check_postgres repository, but I would like to have your comments on how
to write it in a better way. For example, right now, we use the
checksum-settings report for this and we check a new argument called
pooler. If there is one and that its value is pgbouncer, we don't launch
the query against the pg_settings catalog, but we use the "show config"
specific statement of pgbouncer. Would it be better if we create a full
new report? or do you like it this way?
The second one, nagios.patch, changes the field separator for unchecked
objects (set with the warning parameter) on the same_schema report. We
use a comma instead of a space because of our configuration of Nagios.
Though I'm not sure this has a lot of value for other check_postgres
users, I thought it would be better to let you decide if it could be
interesting to integrate it.
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