[check_postgres] bloat check and TOAST

Mark Kirkwood mark.kirkwood at catalyst.net.nz
Fri Aug 26 01:58:45 UTC 2011

On 15/07/11 05:01, Joshua Berkus wrote:
> Ken,
>> Does the bloat check in the current version take TOAST tables into
>> account? I tried looking at the SQL in the check_bloat function and
>> I was not able to easily deduce if it did.
> No.  It also ignores page free space, byte alignment, and several other factors.  For indexes, it's unable to take btree depth into account.
> You shouldn't be setting anything more severe than an warning off the bloat check ... and then only at 200% + 100MB, or something equally generous.

Also it is fooled by data types without an = operator (xml is the most 
likely one you'd stumble into).



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