[check_postgres] [check_postgresql.pl] make test problem and chack_postgresql result problem
Guillaume Lelarge
guillaume at lelarge.info
Mon Nov 14 14:02:50 UTC 2011
On Sat, 2011-11-12 at 22:13 +0100, Philippe wrote:
> [...]
> I have 2 problems :
> 1°) i have a non conform return for a query :
> => with your script :
> /usr/local/bin/check_postgres.pl -H= -u=postgres
> --db=ipplan --critical=350 --action=custom_query --query="select
> count(*) from ipaddr" --reverse
> POSTGRES_CUSTOM_QUERY UNKNOWN: DB "ipplan" (host: Format
> invalide renvoyr la requpersonnalis time=0.01s count=617;;350
> if I add :
> use encoding 'utf8';
> i have :
> /usr/local/bin/check_postgres.pl -H= -u=postgres
> --db=ipplan --critical=350 --action=custom_query --query="select
> count(*) from ipaddr" --reverse
> POSTGRES_CUSTOM_QUERY UNKNOWN: DB "ipplan" (host: Format
> invalide renvoyé par la requête personnalisée | time=0.01s count=617;;350
> The result is good : count=617 where is the problem, why the retur is
Because you didn't name the result column. Try this:
/usr/local/bin/check_postgres.pl -H= -u=postgres
--db=ipplan --critical=350 --action=custom_query --query="select
count(*) AS result from ipaddr" --reverse
note the "AS result" in the query string.
> => the query in psql :
> postgres=# \c ipplan
> psql (8.4.9)
> Vous êtes maintenant connecté à la base de données « ipplan ».
> ipplan=# SELECT "count"(*) FROM ipaddr;
> count
> -------
> 617
> (1 ligne)
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 2°) the make test report (my locale is FR:
> => make test
> postgres at postgres1:/var/sources/appz/system/nagios/plugins/check_postgres-2.18.0$
> make test
> Files=42, Tests=3, 68 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.02 sys + 0.27 cusr
> 0.24 csys = 0.54 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> Failed 37/42 test programs. 0/3 subtests failed.
> make: *** [test_dynamic] Erreur 255
The tests are only good when you're using english. I didn't try it, but
I guess a "LANG=C make test" should work better.
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