[check_postgres] cannot get options right check_hot_standby_delay

Bill MacArthur webmaster at dhs-club.com
Tue Oct 4 14:51:14 UTC 2011


I have tried and tried to get check_hot_standby_delay working from the command line, but no go. I am missing something simple, but cannot figure out exactly what even after glancing at the source. Please make the necessary correction for me. (I am using .pgpass)

I am good on connecting.......
sh-3.2$ ./check_postgres_connection --db=network -H=db3 -dbuser1=nagios
POSTGRES_CONNECTION OK: DB "network" (host:db3) version 9.0.4 | time=0.36s
sh-3.2$ ./check_postgres_connection --db=network -H=db2 -dbuser1=nagios
POSTGRES_CONNECTION OK: DB "network" (host:db2) version 9.0.4 | time=0.23s

Just can't seem to get this right, though....
sh-3.2$ ./check_hot_standby_delay --dbname1=network --dbhost1=db3 --dbhost2=db2 --dbuser=nagios --warning=100000 --critical=10000000 --dbuser2=nagios -db2 network
Invalid arguments:

Usage: ..............

sh-3.2$ ./check_hot_standby_delay --dbname1=network --dbhost1=db3 --dbhost2=db2 --dbuser=nagios --warning=100000 --critical=10000000 --dbuser2=nagios -dbname2=network


sh-3.2$ ./check_hot_standby_delay -db network -H db3,db2 -u nagios --dbport2=5432 --warning=100000 --critical=1000000


sh-3.2$ ./check_hot_standby_delay -db network -H db3,db2 -u nagios --dbport2=5432


sh-3.2$ ./check_hot_standby_delay --dbname=network --dbhost=db3 --dbuser=nagios --dbname2=network --dbhost2=db2 --dbuser2=nagios --warning=100000 --critical=10000000


Thank you for your assistance.
Bill MacArthur

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