[check_postgres] --exclude behavior doesn't seem to agree with the docs

Jeff Frost jeff at pgexperts.com
Thu Sep 1 21:19:44 UTC 2011

The docs on the website show the following example:

Exclude all items which start with the letters 'pg_', which contain the
letters 'slon', or which are named 'sql_settings' or 'green'. Specifically
check items with the letters 'prod' in their names, and always check the item
named 'pg_relname':

 --exclude=~^pg_,~slon,sql_settings --exclude=green --include=~prod,pg_relname

but when I try a similar strategy:

  --exclude='sys.' --exclude='pg_catalog.'

I still pick up tables in the pg_catalog schema.

However, if I use the comma separated nomenclature:


it doesn't pick up anything in sys or pg_catalog. 

Is this a documentation bug?

Jeff Frost <jeff at pgexperts.com>
CTO, PostgreSQL Experts, Inc.
Phone: 1-888-PG-EXPRT x506
FAX: 415-762-5122

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