[check_postgres] check_postgres_txn_time -H POSTCIBBDB -db pcibb --warning=60s --critical=120s -dbuser postgres -dbpass postgres --port=5434 --include=pcibb

David Christensen david at endpoint.com
Mon Jul 14 15:11:36 UTC 2014

> Hello,
>         Could you help with this error?
> + /ORACLE_HOME/oracle/product/postgresql/postgresql-9.3.2/check_postgres-2.21.0/check_postgres_txn_time -H POSTCIBBDB -db pcibb --warning=60s --critical=120s -dbuser postgres -dbpass postgres --port=5434 --include=pcibb
> Could not parse psql output!
> Please report these details to check_postgres at bucardo.org:
> Version:          2.21.0
> Action:           txn_time
> Calling line:     7579
> Output:           ')::varchar(2000)), ((NULL)::bytea), (('')::varchar(4000)), (('0')::char(3)), ((635408413778477177)::int8), (('׳”׳¢׳ª׳§׳ª ׳§׳•׳‘׳¥ ׳œ׳ž׳—׳¡׳Ÿ')::varchar(100)), (('V-DOCPRD1')::varchar(64)), (('EAI_DocumentManagement.Archive')::varchar(50)), (('EAI_DocumentManagement.Archive.ArchiveFile')::varchar(100)), (('EAI_DocumentManagement.Archive.ArchiveFile.ExecuteTask')::varchar(50)), (('0')::varchar(50)), (('')::varchar(50)), (('')::varchar(25)), (('')::varchar(20)), (('')::varchar(50)), (('')::varchar(100)), (('{eaeeb409-9d7f-46db-9922-e5d068bd7b60}')::varchar(50)), (('')::varchar(50)), ((NULL)::bytea), ((21)::int2))
> Command:          /usr/bin/psql -q -t -d pcibb -U postgres -p 5434 -h POSTCIBBDB -o /tmp/VU46VDVgbE/check_postgres_psql.3q5YjPe.tmp -x-c "SELECT datname, datid, pid AS pid, usename, client_addr, xact_start, query AS query, state AS state, CASE WHEN client_port < 0 THEN 0 ELSE client_port END AS client_port, COALESCE(ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM now()-xact_start)),0) AS seconds FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE (xact_start IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY xact_start, query_start, pid DESC"
> Postgres version: PostgreSQL 9.3.4

Hi Yehudah,

Is this a consistent error, or something that only occasionally causes issues, and is it always related to the specific query?  What version of DBI/DBD::Pg are you using?

Can you look in the run_command() function and add UNLINK => 0 in the tempfile() command (line 2226 in the reported version), then attach a copy of the generated output tempfile?  (You can/should change this back before running this in production, but for the purposes of testing this will give us the raw output of the command.)


David Christensen
End Point Corporation
david at endpoint.com

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