[TNM] Problems with logfile name and POSIX escape syntax

Sari Thiele sari.thiele at usit.uio.no
Wed Apr 9 09:21:36 UTC 2014


I am trying to set up tail_n_mail with a logfile name 
The documentation states that it is possible to define the name with 
POSIX escape syntax.
But if I use f.ex. FILE: 
'/<path>/postgresql-[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}_[0-9]\{6\}.csv', it 
does not work.
The command find does find it.
find /<path>/ -regextype posix-basic -regex 

I am now wondering if this should work and I define it wrong or this is 
a bug or it is not possible to define the file name in that way.
It would be nice if someone can give me an advice.

Thanks and regards,
Sari Thiele

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