[TNM] A possible tail_n_mail bug

Larry G. Mills lgmills at fnal.gov
Wed Feb 23 18:09:24 UTC 2022


I am using tail_n_mail version 3.3.0 on PostgreSQL v14 logs.   Our configuration uses Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication and occasionally generates log messages like the below two lines.

I've found that if there are any number of these lines at the start of the log file (i.e. offset 0), these lines are not reported by tnm.  However, if they are not the first lines in the file, then they are reported - but if there are consecutive errors of this type, then tnm seems to parse them as a single long line and then reports a "TRUNCATED" message with something like the below error:

[LINE TRUNCATED, original was 693 characters and 3 lines long]

(Sample Kerberos authentication failure message pair)

2022-02-21 10:49:56.144 CST:111.222.333.32(43490):user at FOO.BAR@dbs:[22741] FATAL:  GSSAPI authentication failed for user user at F00.BAR<mailto:user at F00.BAR>
2022-02-21 10:49:56.144 CST:111.222.333.32(43490):user at FOO.BAR@dbs:[22741] DETAIL:  Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 109: "host    all             @/var/lib/pgsql/krb_users gss"

Is this behavior due to a misconfiguration, or is there a pattern-matching issue with tnm?  I'm using the default configuration file, that is, the one from the end of the tnm script.

My .tailnmailrc has the following:

log_line_prefix = '%m:%r:%u@%d:[%p] '

Any advice appreciated,

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