
Last updated: 2020-02-28

The add table command is used to teach Bucardo about a table.


# Adds the table named "sales" to Bucardo.
bucardo add table sales


bucardo add table <name(s)> [relgroup=relgroup]

Adds one or more tables: the schema is optional: if not given, will add all tables with that name regardless of schema. Wildcards can be used as well: the preferred form is a percent sign (%) as the wildcard. A relgroup can be specified as well: all new tables will be added to this relgroup. The relgroup will be created if it does not already exist.

To add all the tables in the database, run:

bucardo add all tables


New tables cause an insert to the goat table. A new relgroup causes an insert to the herd table. Adding a table to a relgroup results in an insert to the herdmap table.

Optional arguments:

  • autokick
    • Set whether or not table should automatically send kick messages when it’s modified. Defaults to the setting of the “sync”.

See also:

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