
Last updated: 2020-02-28

The Bucardo test suite is a good test to prove a system can run Bucardo successfully, and is recommended on new installations. It tests several common, and some uncommon Bucardo setups, described here. These tests follow Perl’s common Test::

File name Description
00_release.t Simple sanity checks to make sure the various files are the correct versions
01-basic.t Make sure various files parse cleanly
02-monkey_with_db_table.t Tests adding databases in various ways
02-monkey_with_goat_table.t Tests adding goats in various ways
02-monkey_with_herd.t Tests adding herds in various ways
02-monkey_with_sync_table.t Tests adding syncs in various ways
02-simple.t Creates a simple pushdelta sync between two test databases and ensures it works
03-goat.t Currently contains no tests
04-pushdelta.t Creates a pushdelta sync and tests correct handling of database constraints and triggers
04-pushdelta_twosyncs.t Similar to 04-pushdelta.t, but with two target databases
05-fullcopy.t Tests tables and sequences in a fullcopy sync, including testing customselect
06-multicolpk.t Tests multi-column primary keys in a pushdelta sync
06-multicolpushdelta.t Similar to 06-multicolpk.t, including more difficult scenarios
07-multicolswap.t Tests multi-column primary keys in a swap sync
08-wildkick.t Tests using bucardo’s kick command with a wildcard instead of an exact sync name
09-uniqueconstraint.t Tests handling of various scenarios involving unique constraints
10-makedelta.t Creates three databases (A, B, and C), and uses makedelta to replicate rows from A to B, and then from B to C.
11-customselect.t Tests transforming rows during replication using customselect
12-addtable.t Tests adding a new table to an existing sync
13-ddl.t Currently contains no tests
14-truncate.t Tests proper handling of TRUNCATE commands using truncate triggers (available in PostgreSQL 8.4 and later)
15-star.t Creates a commonly requested but currently unusable replication scheme, where three databases (A, B, and C) are organized in a star-like pattern, with A as the hub, and B and C as spokes. Rows are replicated from A to both spokes, and from each spoke into A. This won’t perform well in practice, because there’s no mechanism in place to make sure rows don’t get replicated from, for instance, C to A, and back to C.
98-cleanup.t Removes test databases and other leftovers of the test suite
99-perlcritic.t Runs perlcritic against the Bucardo code. This runs only if the RELEASE_TESTING environment variable is set
99-signature.t Tests Bucardo’s package signature to make sure the source hasn’t been tampered with. This runs only if the RELEASE_TESTING environment variable is set
99-spellcheck.t If Test::SpellChecker is installed and RELEASE_TESTING is set, spell checks as much of Bucardo as possible.
99-yaml.t Tests the package metadata to ensure it is well formed, if RELEASE_TESTING is set

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