[Bucardo-announce] Beta version 4.99.7 released

Greg Sabino Mullane greg at endpoint.com
Thu Feb 21 02:13:40 UTC 2013

Version 4.99.7 of Bucardo has just been released. This is a *beta*
version of the upcoming Bucardo 5. It is highly recommended that
all Bucardo 4 users start trying out Bucardo 5, as Bucardo 4
is not going to be around much longer after Bucardo 5 is
released. Plus, it's faster, easier, and does lots of things
Bucardo 4 cannot.

Links to the latest Beta can be found on this page:


There are no specific changes to report since 4.99.6, it's simply
a good checkpoint for all the incremental improvements as we
close in on Bucardo 5. Please report any problems or questions
to the bucardo-general at bucardo.org mailing list.

Greg Sabino Mullane greg at endpoint.com
End Point Corporation
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