[Bucardo-general] Config Problem (WHY CTL Could not add to q sync ?)

Matheus Lima guimapig at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 16:58:14 UTC 2008

I've installed the bucardo, I would like to know if there is a more detailed
help, so I can figure out a problem Im having.

Neverthelesse I will put here a explanation so anybody could help me.

These are my population:

select name,dbhost,dbname,dbuser,dbpass,status,sourcelimit,targetlimit  from
  name  |   dbhost    |     dbname     |  dbuser  |    dbpass     | status |
sourcelimit | targetlimit
 Slave  | | iotechschemerp | postgres | ****************** |
active |           0 |           0
 Master | | altoschemerp   | postgres | ****************** |
active |           0 |           0

from goat;
 id |   db   | schemaname | tablename | reltype | pkey | pkeytype |
has_delta | ghost | standard_conflict | analyze_after_copy
  1 | Master | public     | pais      | table   | id   | smallint |
f         | f     | source            | t
  3 | Slave  | public     | pais      | table   | id   | smallint |
f         | f     | target            | t

select * from herd;
 name |             cdate
 pais | 2008-09-15 17:54:52.228395-03

select * from herdmap;
 herd | goat | priority |             cdate
 pais |    1 |        0 | 2008-09-15 17:56:54.151223-03

select * from q;
 sync | sourcedb | targetdb | ppid | pid | synctype  | updates | inserts |
deletes |            started            |            aborted
|                  whydie                   |            ended
|             cdate
 pais | Master   | Slave    | 6244 |     | swap      |         |
|         | 2008-09-15 18:26:03.889172-03 | 2008-09-15 18:26:03.889226-03 |
Controller cleaning out unstarted q entry | 2008-09-15 18:26:03.88924-03 |
2008-09-15 18:02:06.606553-03
 pais | Master   | Slave    | 6528 |     | pushdelta |         |
|         | 2008-09-15 18:45:51.100074-03 | 2008-09-15 18:45:51.100126-03 |
Controller cleaning out unstarted q entry | 2008-09-15 18:45:51.10014-03 |
2008-09-15 18:26:04.411158-03
 pais | Master   | Slave    | 6721 |     | pushdelta |         |
|         |                               |
|                                           |                              |
2008-09-15 18:45:51.623033-03

select * from sync;
 name | source | targetdb | targetgroup | synctype  | stayalive | kidsalive
| usecustomselect | copytype | copyextra | deletemethod | limitdbs | ping |
do_listen | checktime | status | makedelta | rebuild_index | priority |
txnmode    | disable_triggers | disable_rules | analyze_after_copy |
overdue  | expired  |             cdate
 pais | pais   | Slave    |             | pushdelta | t         | t
| f               | copy     |           | delete       |        0 | t    |
f         | 00:10:00  | active | f         | f             |        0 |
SERIALIZABLE | replica          | replica       | t                  |
00:00:00 | 00:00:00 | 2008-09-15 18:00:06.835946-03

# tail -f /var/log/syslog
Sep 16 13:36:03 garrafa Bucardo[6732]: CTL Timed out - force a sync for
Sep 16 13:36:03 garrafa Bucardo[6732]: CTL Could not add to q
sync=pais,source=Master,target=Slave,count=1. Sending manual notification

There is a more detailed log?

Thanks in advance!
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