[Bucardo-general] Problem with chained pushdelta

Adam Wendt thelsdj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 17:54:33 UTC 2009

Hi, I'm having problems running a pushdelta slave as the master for another
pushdelta sync. Here is the configuration:

hostA ->pushdelta-> hostB
hostB ->pushdelta-> hostC

hostA to hostB has been working fine, bucardo runs on hostB, the db entries
are named 'master' and 'slave'. I wanted to add hostB to hostC so I setup
new bucardo db on hostC as normal and in its db table hostB is named
'master' and hostC is named 'slave'.

First try I forgot 'makedelta' so delta entries weren't being created on
hostB, I added makedelta to the hostA -> hostB sync and now I'm getting
delta entries on hostB.

Now for the problem, when I run bucardo on hostC it says there are no delta
entries and I can confirm that by dumping the $SQL{delta} for an abitrary
table and running it, as of right now there are 436k entries in
bucardo_delta table on hostB but the problem seems to be that bucardo_track
entries are also being added, and there is the root of the problem, why are
bucardo_track entries being added to hostB without the hostB->hostC sync
even running?

Is there some other setting I'm missing? Is the confusion of 'master' and
'slave' names being duplicated a problem? (Probably first thing I'm going to
try is start over with unique names for the B->C sync) Is there something
else going on here?


Adam Wendt Consulting
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