[Bucardo-general] Error message when adding all tables

Jason Buberel jason at buberel.org
Sat Sep 26 22:21:16 UTC 2009

Just downloaded and installed the latest release (v4.1.2) on  a test system.
The master bucardo database is hosted in a postgres-8.4.1 instance:

> ./bucardo_ctl show all
audit_pid                 = 0
autosync_ddl              = newcol
bucardo_current_version   = 4.1.2
bucardo_version           = 4.1.2
ctl_checkabortedkids_time = 30
ctl_checkonkids_time      = 10
ctl_createkid_time        = 0.5
ctl_nothingfound_sleep    = 0.2
ctl_pingtime              = 600
default_email_from        = nobody at example.com
default_email_host        = localhost
default_email_to          = nobody at example.com
email_debug_file          =
endsync_sleep             = 1.0
kick_sleep                = 0.2
kid_abort_limit           = 3
kid_abort_sleep           = 1
kid_nodeltarows_sleep     = 0.8
kid_nothingfound_sleep    = 0.3
kid_pingtime              = 60
kid_serial_sleep          = 10
log_conflict_details      = 0
log_conflict_file         = bucardo_conflict.log
log_showline              = 0
log_showpid               = 0
log_showtime              = 3
max_delete_clause         = 200
max_select_clause         = 500
mcp_dbproblem_sleep       = 15
mcp_loop_sleep            = 0.1
mcp_pingtime              = 60
piddir                    = /var/run
pidfile                   = bucardo.pid
reason_file               = bucardo.restart.reason.log
stats_script_url          = http://www.bucardo.org/
stopfile                  = fullstopbucardo
syslog_facility           = LOG_LOCAL1
tcp_keepalives_count      = 0
tcp_keepalives_idle       = 0
tcp_keepalives_interval   = 0
upsert_attempts           = 3
warning_file              = bucardo.warning.log

I then proceeded to add two databases, giving them logical names 'ar_master'
and 'ar_slave':

> ./bucardo_ctl add database altos_research name=ar_master port=54841
Database added: ar_master
jason at bunny ~/d/Bucardo-4.1.2> ./bucardo_ctl add database altos_research
name=ar_slave port=54824
Database added: ar_slave
jason at bunny ~/d/Bucardo-4.1.2> ./bucardo_ctl list dbs
Database: ar_master  Status: active  Conn: psql -h  -p 54841 -U bucardo -d
Database: ar_slave   Status: active  Conn: psql -h  -p 54824 -U bucardo -d

Next, I attempted to add all tables from ar_master, but received the
following error:

> ./bucardo_ctl add all tables db=ar_master
DBD::Pg::db selectall_arrayref failed: ERROR:  function db_getconn(unknown)
does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT db_getconn('ar_master')
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need
to add explicit type casts. at ./bucardo_ctl line 3485.

Any suggestions?

Jason L. Buberel
jason at buberel.org
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