[Bucardo-general] Upgrade bucardo 5.3.1 to 5.4

Andreas Wahler andreas.wahler at wamtek.net
Fri Sep 25 09:27:52 UTC 2015

Dear all,

we would like to upgrade our bucardo installation 5.3.1 to current
version 5.4. According the wiki after updating the package

  bucardo upgrade

should be called. Here we get the following error msg.:

  From line 8162, action CREATE TABLE bucardo.clone (
  DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR:  Relation 'clone_id_seq'
  does not exist at /usr/local/bin/bucardo line 8530, <$fh> line 2821.

  (translated from German language)

So, is it necessary to remove the old bucardo installation and
re-install the new version, including all snycs etc.?

Does this effects the continuously running trigger?

Thank you in advance,

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