[check_postgres] Check_postgres French translation
Guillaume Lelarge
guillaume at lelarge.info
Fri Feb 10 15:32:46 UTC 2012
On Fri, 2012-02-10 at 16:08 +0100, Emmanuel Lesouef wrote:
> Hi.
> I use check_postgres.pl and it works great. I use the --output=simple
> because my monitoring system is Zabbix.
> When I use check_postgres.pl from the CLI, the messages are in french
> (which is really great...) but it seems that UTF8 chars aren't ok.
> For example :
> pgsql0:bin:# sudo -u postgres ./check_postgres.pl --action=wal_files
> POSTGRES_WAL_FILES OK: DB "postgres" Fichiers WAL trouv�s : 8 |
> time=0.05s fichiers=8;10;15
> Can I do something to improve that ?
AFAICS, all french messages are in UTF-8. The example you give surely
is. Which check_postgres release do you use?
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