[Bucardo-general] 4.99 add sync DB error

Gabriel Weinberg yegg at alum.mit.edu
Sun Sep 4 16:13:13 UTC 2011

I'm trying to mess around with 4.99 but running into a setup DB error. I
thought I completely cleared 4.6 from my system and installed 4.99 correctly
but I'm not ruling out messing that up somehow.

Anyway, when trying to add a sync:

bucardo_ctl add sync ddg_va_xl1_sync type=pushdelta source=ddg

I'm getting this error:

Failed to add sync: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  column "source" of
relation "sync" does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO bucardo.sync (name,source,synctype,targetdb) VAL...
                                       ^ at /usr/local/bin/bucardo_ctl line

If I look at the DB relation:

psql bucardo bucardo
\d bucardo.sync

I do not see a source column:

       Column       |           Type           |               Modifiers
 name               | text                     | not null
 herd               | text                     |
 dbs                | text                     |
 stayalive          | boolean                  | not null default true
 kidsalive          | boolean                  | not null default true
 standard_conflict  | text                     | not null default ''::text
 usecustomselect    | boolean                  | not null default false
 copyextra          | text                     | not null default ''::text
 deletemethod       | text                     | not null default
 limitdbs           | smallint                 | not null default 0
 ping               | boolean                  | not null default true
 do_listen          | boolean                  | not null default false
 checktime          | interval                 |
 status             | text                     | not null default
 makedelta          | boolean                  |
 rebuild_index      | smallint                 | not null default 0
 priority           | smallint                 | not null default 0
 analyze_after_copy | boolean                  | not null default true
 vacuum_after_copy  | boolean                  | not null default false
 strict_checking    | boolean                  | not null default true
 overdue            | interval                 | not null default
 expired            | interval                 | not null default
 track_rates        | boolean                  | not null default false
 onetimecopy        | smallint                 | not null default 0
 lifetime           | interval                 |
 maxkicks           | integer                  | not null default 0
 cdate              | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()


Gabriel, http://ye.gg/
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