[Bucardo-general] Proper way to set encoding

César Piñera cesarenrique at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 16:36:54 UTC 2014


  I just started to use bucardo and i haven't been able to figure out how
to set the database encoding.

I have tried with:

bucardo update db mysourcedb dbconn=client_encoding=LATIN9
bucardo update db mysourcedb dbconn=--client_encoding=LATIN9
bucardo update db mysourcedb dbconn=charset=LATIN9

But then Bucardo can't connect to the database.

This is because i'm getting this error:

 Kid has died, error is: DBD::Pg::db pg_getcopydata failed: ERROR:
 character with byte sequence 0xc2 0xb4 in encoding "UTF8" has no
equivalent in encoding "LATIN9" at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.2/Bucardo.pm line 9573. Line: 5384 Main DB
state: ? Error: none DB mysourcedb state: 22P05 Error: 7 DB mytargetdb
state: ? Error: none

The configured client encoding in my postgres database is LATIN9 (Postgres

Thanks in advanced for you support.

Best regards,

Ing. César Piñera
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