[Bucardo-general] Problem with ever growing delta and track tables...

Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Mon May 29 15:55:17 UTC 2017

Seems I have a little problem with my delta and track tables growing out 
of control since adding a 'target' to a multimaster group...

Sync "sorbsmm"  Relgroup "sorbs2" [Active]
   DB group "sorbs_indy" sorbs_corkscrew:source sorbs_galaxi:source 
sorbs_gauntlet:target sorbs_gemini:source sorbs_helix:source
   Table public.acl
   Table public.audit
   Sequence public.audit_pk_seq
   Sequence public.captcha_id_seq
   Table public.comments
   Sequence public.comments_id_seq
   Sequence public.daily_stats_seq
   Table public.dns
   Table public.domains
   Sequence public.domainsid_seq
   Table public.evid2comm
   Table public.evid2rt
   Table public.evidence
   Sequence public.evidence_evidid_seq
   Sequence public.export_primary_key_seq
   Table public.generic_dns
   Sequence public.host_export_primary_key_seq
   Table public.hosts
   Table public.hosts2evid
   Sequence public.hosts_hostsid_seq
   Table public.htimestamps
   Table public.latest_spam
   Table public.listingtypes
   Table public.nets2evid
   Table public.nets2hosts
   Table public.nets2nets
   Table public.networks
   Sequence public.networks_netid_seq
   Sequence public.notifications_pk_seq
   Table public.rdnsqueue
   Table public.statistics
   Table public.timestamps
   Sequence public.urisid_seq
   Table public.userprefs
     analyze_after_copy = 1
     autokick           = 0
     cdate              = 2013-10-15 07:01:31.397245+00
     checktime          = 00:00:05
     conflict_strategy  = bucardo_latest
     copyextra          =
     d                  = DB group "sorbs_indy" sorbs_corkscrew:source 
sorbs_galaxi:source sorbs_gauntlet:target sorbs_gemini:source 
     dbs                = sorbs_indy
     deletemethod       = delete
     expired            = 00:20:00
     isolation_level    = serializable
     kidsalive          = 1
     lifetime           = NULL
     maxkicks           = 0
     name               = sorbsmm
     ok2show            = 1
     onetimecopy        = 0
     overdue            = 00:05:00
     priority           = 1
     rebuild_index      = 0
     status             = active
     stayalive          = 1
     strict_checking    = 1
     track_rates        = 0
     vacuum_after_copy  = 1
dbgroup: sorbs_indy  Members: sorbs_corkscrew:source sorbs_galaxi:source 
sorbs_gauntlet:target sorbs_gemini:source sorbs_helix:source
     about = NULL
     cdate = 2017-05-05 22:41:47.984345+00
     gangs = 1
     name  = sorbs_indy
Database: sorbs_gauntlet  Status: active  Conn: psql -U pgsql -d sorbs 
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbs_indy (target)
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbsslaves (target)
   Used in sync sorbsmm in a role of target
     cdate                = 2013-11-20 14:19:46.690029+00
     dbconn               =
     dbhost               =
     dbname               = sorbs
     dbpass               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     dbport               =
     dbservice            =
     dbtype               = postgres
     dbuser               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     epoch                = 1384957186.69003
     makedelta            = 0
     name                 = sorbs_gauntlet
     pgpass               =
     server_side_prepares = 1
     status               = active
Database: sorbs_corkscrew  Status: active  Conn: psql -U pgsql -d sorbs 
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbs_indy (source)
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbsmasters (source)
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbsslaves (source)
   Used in sync s2evidence in a role of source
   Used in sync s2users in a role of source
   Used in sync sessions in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsmm in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsqs in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsstats in a role of source
     cdate                = 2013-10-15 07:00:45.724418+00
     dbconn               =
     dbhost               =
     dbname               = sorbs
     dbpass               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     dbport               =
     dbservice            = NULL
     dbtype               = postgres
     dbuser               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     epoch                = 1381820445.72442
     issource             = 3
     makedelta            = 0
     name                 = sorbs_corkscrew
     pgpass               = NULL
     server_side_prepares = 1
     status               = active
Database: sorbs_helix  Status: active  Conn: psql -U pgsql -d sorbs -h
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbs_indy (source)
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbsmasters (source)
   Used in sync s2evidence in a role of source
   Used in sync s2users in a role of source
   Used in sync sessions in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsmm in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsqs in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsstats in a role of source
     cdate                = 2013-10-15 07:00:45.955943+00
     dbconn               =
     dbhost               =
     dbname               = sorbs
     dbpass               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     dbport               =
     dbservice            = NULL
     dbtype               = postgres
     dbuser               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     epoch                = 1381820445.95594
     issource             = 2
     makedelta            = 0
     name                 = sorbs_helix
     pgpass               = NULL
     server_side_prepares = 1
     status               = active
Database: sorbs_galaxi  Status: active  Conn: psql -U pgsql -d sorbs -h
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbs_indy (source)
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbsmasters (source)
   Used in sync s2evidence in a role of source
   Used in sync s2users in a role of source
   Used in sync sessions in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsmm in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsqs in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsstats in a role of source
     cdate                = 2013-10-15 07:00:47.105966+00
     dbconn               =
     dbhost               =
     dbname               = sorbs
     dbpass               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     dbport               =
     dbservice            = NULL
     dbtype               = postgres
     dbuser               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     epoch                = 1381820447.10597
     issource             = 2
     makedelta            = 0
     name                 = sorbs_galaxi
     pgpass               = NULL
     server_side_prepares = 1
     status               = active
Database: sorbs_gemini  Status: active  Conn: psql -U pgsql -d sorbs -h
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbs_indy (source)
   Belongs to dbgroup sorbsmasters (source)
   Used in sync s2evidence in a role of source
   Used in sync s2users in a role of source
   Used in sync sessions in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsmm in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsqs in a role of source
   Used in sync sorbsstats in a role of source
     cdate                = 2013-10-15 07:00:46.185657+00
     dbconn               =
     dbhost               =
     dbname               = sorbs
     dbpass               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     dbport               =
     dbservice            = NULL
     dbtype               = postgres
     dbuser               = xxxxxxxxxxx
     epoch                = 1381820446.18566
     issource             = 2
     makedelta            = 0
     name                 = sorbs_gemini
     pgpass               = NULL
     server_side_prepares = 1
     status               = active

PID of Bucardo MCP: 22921
  Name         State                   Last good Time            Last 
I/D    Last bad                Time
  dnsmm      | Good                  | 15:46:39              | 4m 
18s        | 0/0       | Apr 19, 2017 01:01:33 | 974h 49m 24s
  dnsrbls    | Bad                   | Aug 05, 2016 11:12:24 | 7132h 38m 
32s | 429/459   | Mar 27, 2017 11:10:54 | 1516h 40m 3s
  dnsseq     | Good                  | 15:46:38              | 4m 
18s        | 0/0       | Sep 15, 2016 06:11:28 | 6153h 39m 29s
  rt4db      | Good                  | 15:50:55              | 
1s            | 0/0       | 13:55:04              | 1h 55m 53s
  rt4seq     | Good                  | 15:50:55              | 
2s            | 0/0       | 13:55:04              | 1h 55m 53s
  s2evidence | Good                  | 15:50:53              | 
3s            | 0/0       | May 27, 2017 18:04:10 | 45h 46m 46s
  s2users    | Good                  | 15:50:56              | 
0s            | 0/0       | May 05, 2017 17:41:14 | 574h 9m 43s
  sessions   | Good                  | 15:50:56              | 
0s            | 0/0       | May 05, 2017 17:41:16 | 574h 9m 41s
  sessionsdb | Begin txn (KID 22968) | 15:50:56              | 
0s            | 3/6       | 13:55:04              | 1h 55m 53s
  sorbsmm    | Begin txn (KID 23027) | 15:50:33              | 
24s           | 0/16      | 15:37:05              | 13m 52s
  sorbsqs    | Good                  | 15:41:39              | 9m 
17s        | 639/639   | Mar 11, 2017 09:56:25 | 1901h 54m 32s
  sorbsstats | Good                  | 15:50:38              | 
18s           | 0/0       | 06:23:00              | 9h 27m 57s
michelle at corkscrew:~$ bucardo delta sorbs_gauntlet
Skipping database sorbs_gauntlet: not a source
          Total deltas across all targets: 98
   Total deltas for database sorbs_gemini: 2
    Total deltas for database sorbs_helix: 96
michelle at corkscrew:~$ bucardo delta sorbs_galaxi
          Total deltas across all targets: 732
   Total deltas for database sorbs_galaxi: 732
michelle at corkscrew:~$ bucardo delta sorbs_gemini
          Total deltas across all targets: 2
   Total deltas for database sorbs_gemini: 2
michelle at corkscrew:~$ bucardo delta sorbs_helix
         Total deltas across all targets: 96
   Total deltas for database sorbs_helix: 96
michelle at corkscrew:~$ bucardo delta sorbs_corkscrew
             Total deltas across all targets: 7,123,775
   Total deltas for database sorbs_corkscrew: 7,123,775
autosync_ddl              = newcol
bucardo_initial_version   = 4.99.7
bucardo_vac               = 1
bucardo_version           = 5.4.1
ctl_checkonkids_time      = 10
ctl_createkid_time        = 0.5
ctl_sleep                 = 0.2
default_conflict_strategy = bucardo_latest
default_email_from        = bucardo at sorbs.net
default_email_host        = anaconda.sorbs.net
default_email_port        = 25
default_email_to          = michelle at sorbs.net
email_auth_pass           =
email_auth_user           =
email_debug_file          =
endsync_sleep             = 1.0
flatfile_dir              = .
host_safety_check         =
isolation_level           = repeatable read
kid_deadlock_sleep        = 0.5
kid_nodeltarows_sleep     = 0.5
kid_pingtime              = 60
kid_restart_sleep         = 1
kid_serial_sleep          = 0.5
kid_sleep                 = 0.5
log_conflict_file         = /sorbs/bucardo/conflict.log
log_level                 = normal
log_microsecond           = 0
log_showlevel             = 0
log_showline              = 0
log_showpid               = 1
log_showsyncname          = 1
log_showtime              = 3
mcp_dbproblem_sleep       = 15
mcp_loop_sleep            = 0.2
mcp_pingtime              = 60
mcp_vactime               = 60
piddir                    = /sorbs/bucardo
quick_delta_check         = 1
reason_file               = /sorbs/bucardo/reason.log
reload_config_timeout     = 30
semaphore_table           = bucardo_status
statement_chunk_size      = 1000
stats_script_url          = http://www.bucardo.org/
stopfile                  = bucardo.stop
syslog_facility           = log_local1
tcp_keepalives_count      = 0
tcp_keepalives_idle       = 0
tcp_keepalives_interval   = 0
vac_run                   = 120
vac_sleep                 = 180
warning_file              = /sorbs/bucardo/warning.log


Michelle Sullivan

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